West Australian Wildflower Trip - 7th Day, Stirling Ranges. 15th Sept 2014.
Weird banksias, more orchids, plentiful peas, a grass tree that isn't and even a chance of snow
The main attraction of today's, and possibly the whole trip, will be the Stirling Ranges. This area is one of the worlds flora hotspots and we will not go home disapointed.
As well as the national park we will be wine tasting and having lunch and at Gilbert's Winery and later in the day visiting the Banksia Farm. A very full day coming up, so hang onto your hat and away we go.
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Today's outing.
A blanket of canola escorts us to the Stirling Ranges.
Golden canola fields.
Lynn admires the view.
This is going to be a good day.
The road to Eastern Lookout.
Driving up to Eastern Look out.
Eastern Lookout
Banksia gardneri var. brevidentata - Prostrate Banksia
Xanthosia rotundifolia - Southern Cross
Cyanicula sp. (sericea – Silky Blue Orchid?), Just to show leaf shape of another orchid and not sure.
View from Eastern Lookout. Bluff Knoll, Stirling Ranges WA
Kingia australis (Black Jin) resembles the grass trees ( Xanthorrhoea sp) but are quite distinct and are not closely related.
Kingia australis (Black Jin).
There were more peas here.
This pea plant had a unique shape.
Gastrolobium celsianum - Swan River Pea.
Colours were not just resticted to the flowers.
I don't know what this very structured plant is.
Seen in a different way.
Jan on the path below Bluff Knoll.
Darwinia leiostyla - Mountain Bell, a beautiful flower.
All aboard please, we'll find plenty more along the road.
Mount Trio, Stirling Ranges, WA.
And 5 minutes further on.
"I think this is an orchid"
...........and, as at all the other stops, there certainly were.
CW: Lemon Scented Sun Orchid, Cyanicula sp. (C. sericea – Silky Blue Orchid?), Cyanicula sp. (C. gemmata – Blue China Orchid?), Jug Orchid, Purple Enamel Orchid.
Thelymitra antennifera – Lemon Scented Sun Orchid, Vanilla Orchid
Elythranthera brunonis – Purple Enamel Orchid
Elythranthera brunonis – Purple Enamel Orchid
Check out the great soil the Swamp Daisy (Actinodium cunninghamii) thrive in.
Colour variations in Actinodium cunninghamii - Swamp Daisy, Albany Daisy.
CW: "not sure what 'little fluffy arms' is, I found one reference to this one 'Goodenia beardiana' but not sure if that's correctVelleia macrophylla - Large-leaf Velleia, and Calytrix sp.
Did someone mention "tick".
Petrophile sp. (P. longifolia - Long Leaved Cone Bush ?)
More peas. Righy: Nemcia/Gastrolobium leakiana - Stirling Range Poison, Mountain Pea.
Something in the Rutaceae family?, Hakea and a Petrophile ?
Calothamnus sp.
Conostylis sp. - Cottonheads.
Beaufortia cyrtodonta - Stirling Range Bottlebrush.
The bus, again, waits patiently.
Habitat along the road.
Now heading to Gilbert's Winery for lunch, near Kendenup, in Western Australia's 'Great Southern Wine Country'.
Gilbert's Winery.
Part of the gardens at Gilbert's Winery and Cafe.
Rhodanthe chlorocephala - Rosy Everlastings.
Part of the gardens at Gilbert's Winery and Cafe.
Western Rosella feeding on the blossoms at Gilbert's Winery.
Splendid Fairy-wren in the gardens at Gilbert's Winery.
The Banksia Farm.
The Banksia Farm.
Something different, a display of spring bulbs.
A sample of the Banksia collection.
A sample of the Banksia collection. Bottom right: Banksia ilicifolia (Holly-leaved Banksia)
Some non-banksias around the house.
They never get a frost here, but this was the coldest stop we had on the trip.
A sample of the Banksia collection.
A sample of the Banksia collection. Top left: Dryandra formosa (Showy Dryandra)
Like a decorated Christmas tree.
Eucalyptus caesia with its 'minniritch' type bark. The best I can do with the 'strawberry' fungus/slime is “Karri Cushion Fungus” Hypoxylon aff. subrutilum.
Banksia blechnifolia - Southern Blechnum Banksia
A cool temperate garden, not something I expected to see in WA.
End of Day 7
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